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Mindful Moment: Connection with Mother Earth

Updated: Oct 11, 2024

Practice: Connection with Mother Earth

Take a step outside. Starting from a place of gratitude. Gratitude for the crisp fall air that you breathe deep into your well functioning lungs. Gratitude for mother earth and all of the beauty that she presents to us on a daily basis. Taking some time to observe and reflect on some of the treasures that lie just outside your door. Using all of your senses, embrace what you observe and connect deeper with the earth.

Touch the soil

Feel the greenery

Smell the fresh air

Hear the critters

Taste the fresh produce

And while focusing, leave judgement behind. Accept intruding thoughts and then recommit to spending a few moments to connect with the world as we know it. Something that we seldom create the space to do.

Why do we do it?

Spending time outside in nature is linked to so many benefits for our physical and mental wellbeing! It has often shown an increase in calmness, reduced feelings of stress and anxiety and increased concentration following. Often times, feeling connected to something bigger than ourselves has a profound impact on our level of motivation and hopefulness.

Take the time today relish in the beauty that mother nature has to offer. Intentionally notice what is around you, and reflect on the impact it has throughout the day. If this motivates you to find a regular space for mindfulness in your life, reach out to inquire about our mindfulness programs or individual sessions to focus on how to implement mindful and intentional living!

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